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Video Features SBU Professors Discussing the Exploration of Mars

AuthorAdministrator REG_DATE2021.07.14 Hits431

June 16, 2021

In a new video, Distinguished Professor Scott McLennan and Associate Professor Joel Hurowitz of the Department of Geosciences at Stony Brook University talk about their experience with the Mars exploration rover Perseverance, which is on a two-year investigative mission looking for signs of life on the Red Planet.

“Mars has always held out something special in the public imagination,” McLennan says. “People are looking for something that’s really exciting, and something that’s positive and something that shows we can still do things that are really important.”

“Being a part of a team that’s landing something on Mars, that feeling never gets old,” Hurowitz says. “I highly recommend it if you can be a part of a team like that.”

The professors discuss their work on the project, the challenges they face and the emotions they felt as they watched the rover land on a planet 293 million miles away.

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