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SUNY Korea featured on UNN (University News Network)

AuthorAdministrator REG_DATE2021.07.01 Hits544

SUNY Korea has recently been featured on UNN (University News Network), a leading educational press media that deals with the News of universities located in Korea.

Below are the articles about SUNY Korea published on UNN. Please check out the links to read more!

1) Interview with Provost Arthur Lee- “A Global University with strong foundations”

Click here

2) Information about SUNY Korea Admissions Procedure

Click here

3) Interview with Dean Rachel Ewing- “Stepping out to the global world through Holistic Education in various fields”

Click here

4) STEAM- a distinct education at SUNY Korea that equips students with global competitiveness

Click here

5) Interview with two SUNY Korea students- Rachel Zewde, SUNY Korea alumni employed at Amazon- Quinne Murakawa, SUNY Korea FIT student ( graduated in Spring 2021 )

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