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Computer Science Professors Receive $1M NSF Award for Distributed Syst…

AuthorAdministrator REG_DATE2021.06.01 Hits425

Yanhong Annie Liu and Scott Stoller, professors in the Department of Computer Science within the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Stony Brook University, have been awarded a four-year $1 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for their research project, “Configuration for Assurance: Safe, Live and Secure Distributed Systems.”

Distributed systems — where multiple computers communicate with each other by sharing messages — are an essential part of our modern lives, from large databases and social networks to telecommunications and mobile systems. Whether for distributed transactions or distributed storage, including contact tracing during the current pandemic, distributed algorithms are at the core. Algorithms are what direct computer programs to take steps to solve problems. They must be precise, reliable and efficient to achieve their goals, and this is at the heart of Liu’s decades of research.

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