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Empowering Women to Explore Nuclear Physics

AuthorAdministrator REG_DATE2024.03.29 Hits339

Students from Stony Brook University’s Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) program spent two Saturdays with scientists from Brookhaven National Laboratory. Photo by David Rahner/Brookhaven National Laboratory.


Women in Science and Engineering students got a glimpse into life as a scientist at BNL

As part of an ongoing collaboration between Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) and Stony Brook University, students in Stony Brook’s Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) program spent two Saturdays at BNL completing hands-on activities with scientists from the lab’s Physics Department and the Nuclear Science and Technology Department, and engaging in conversations with scientists about the passions, triumphs, and difficulties that come with a career in STEM.

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