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Appreciation Plaques Given to 2 Members of The SUNY Korea Community Displayed in The IGC Library Hall of Fame

AuthorAdministrator REG_DATE2023.08.11 Hits489

The IGC Library recently created a Hall of Fame for the notable book donors from the IGC community. The Hall of Fame recognizes people who have donated books to the IGC Library. Two donors from the SUNY Korea community has their appreciation plaques displayed: Honorary President Dr. Myung Oh and Technology & Society Professor James Larson.

“I personally dream about making Dr Myung Oh’s donation, some of my donations, and the IGC Library into an Incheon Global Campus Policy Museum,” said Professor James Larson. Professor Larson has published a number of books during his career and has co-authored with Dr. Myung Oh Digital Development in Korea: Building an Information Society, published in 2011.

To watch his interview, click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-a1uXIUaHRI