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A Rite of Passage for FIT Students at SUNY Korea

AuthorAdministrator REG_DATE2021.07.14 Hits455

June 30, 2021

In a commencement ceremony on June 18, 41 FIT students graduated from SUNY Korea, receiving an AAS in Fashion Design or Fashion Business Management. Of those graduates, 26 attended the event in person. SUNY Korea President Wonki Min and Honorary President Dr. Myung Oh addressed the graduates from the stage; Stony Brook University President Maurie Mclnnis and FIT President Joyce Brown offered congratulations remotely.

“How we conduct ourselves in difficult times is a measure of character, and you, the class of 2021, seem to have character to spare,” Dr. Brown said, in a speech that acknowledged the challenges of learning during a pandemic. “This experience, arduous as it may have been, will serve you well for the rest of your lives.”

SUNY Korea is a global SUNY campus founded in 2011 in the high-tech business district of Songdo, near the capital city, Seoul. FIT began offering its two most popular programs there in 2017. Graduates can attend FIT in New York City for their bachelor’s degree; since the first graduating class in 2019, 100 students have selected this option. 

Watch a video of the June 18 ceremony.

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