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Fall 2022 Convocation

AuthorAdministrator REG_DATE2022.08.26 Hits611

The Fall 2022 Convocation was held today at the IGC Auditorium. We were finally able to welcome our new SBU and FIT students in person. After the long pandemic, we greeted students, parents, and faculty with big smiles.
Arthur H. Lee, president of SUNY Korea, Dr. Dawn Medley, Vice Provost for Enrollment Management at Stony Brook University NY, Mark Evan Blackman, Chair of Fashion Design Department at SUNY Korea all gave special remarks in today's convocation to encourage students

A total of 211 students have joined us this semester: 114 students in SBU and 96 students in FIT. Starting from this fall, a new major will join SUNY Korea SBU . The Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) program, one of the foundational disciplines of engineering, will start with 26 students and will continue to grow with the other majors at our school.

We welcome you Class of 2024 & 2026. See you on Monday!