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SUNY Korea FIT's New Student Interview with Naeil Education

AuthorAdministrator REG_DATE2021.10.28 Hits573

New Freshman student at SUNY Korea FIT’s Fashion Business Management Department featured on Naeil Education




“I want to broaden my understanding of humanity through Fashion Business Management, a field where Design and Business Management merge.”

Conflicts can occur among high school students attending boarding schools. How great it would be if everyone had good listeners around to talk about our difficulties together. Yewon Maeng chose “Peacemakers Academy” as the most memorable extracurricular activity that she participated in as a high school student. As the co-leader of the club, she was able to mature as a person through various counseling sessions she offered to other students. Through this experience, she became passionate about studying Fashion Business Management, a field that moves people, and Art, her favorite subject.




Studying Abroad in America with a passion in English studies

Yewon asked her parents if she could study abroad after completing the first semester of 8th grade. However, her parents disagreed because Yewon’s two older sisters were already abroad and did not want Yewon to leave either. “I wanted to go study in America not because my sisters were there, but because I truly wanted to study English in an environment that would help me to practice and improve my English skills the most,” she remembers. “But it was really difficult the first year there.”

She attended a private middle school in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania where her sister attended college. Upon her sister’s college graduation, they both returned to Korea. Yewon decided to study at an international school named Branksome Hall Asia to continue her studies. “Having to participate in the IB curriculum every year seemed daunting at first, but I eventually decided that Branksome would be the best school for me because it specializes in the Arts,” Yewon states.




Striving to make the world a better place through empathy

Yewon showed great talent in subjects that required creative problem-solving skills. Her favorite subjects were Visual Arts and Design Technology. During the Visual Arts class, she criticized the amount of plastic that artists used to produce their artwork; in the Design Technology class, she created a hiking stick that was created to ergonomically fit the hands of people with finger arthritis.

As for her extracurricular activities, she chose Peacemakers Academy as the most meaningful one. She worked as a listener and empathized with other students who had conflicts with others in this psychological counseling program. “Many people say maintaining a relationship with others is one of the most difficult things in life. Students in their teenage years go through many problems, especially when they have to live with each other in a dormitory. But many of them were able to solve their issues and mature as human beings through the counseling sessions offered at Peacemakers. Learning about others can help students go through not only high school and college life, but also the real world. I discovered a way to better cope with my stress because I learned how to attack problems objectively through listening to their problems,” said Yewon. She began to show interest in Management when she noticed the warmth and respect between people. She found hope that she could create a better world through Business Management, where she will learn how to lead others to reach a single goal while respecting each individual and their strengths.

Positive sign from the SUNY Korea Admissions Office

Yewon’s ultimate goal is to launch her own jewelry business. FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology) is one of the leading art schools in the US, and therefore is highly popular among students who wish to study Fashion. In particular, FIT’s Fashion Business Management, the major Yewon was accepted to, is the world’s most recognizable program and is also one of FIT’s oldest and largest majors offered at FIT.

“FIT has always been my first choice. My school held an online college fair and I hurried into the FIT meeting room. I think the Admissions Officers saw my passion for FIT after asking several questions about the school,” Yewon added. Shortly after the meeting, Yewon received a box of school merchandise from the Admissions Office. In the box was also a letter stating her presence at the fair was memorable. She thought this was a positive sign for her admissions to FIT and became more desperate for her acceptance letter.




2 Years in Korea and 2 Years in New York

After the talk with the admissions office, Yewon dedicated her time into studies that she felt she needed to improve on. She was able to show steady improvement in her Business class, completing the course with an exceptional grade. Although it is not required to submit a portfolio for Fashion Business Management applicants, she submitted one to show her passion for art and creativity through her artwork. She was also advised to improve her math scores. In her Math: Applications and Interpretation class, she received a mathematical award for her great improvement. “Although I received the award after my acceptance and scholarship offer to FIT, it gave me confidence to do well in the future at FIT,” she stated.

Students from international schools usually apply to colleges all over the world, especially to the ones in the US, England, Canada, and Australia. However, Yewon chose to apply only to schools in Korea. “Most of my friends from Branksome Hall Asia are all over the world now attending colleges, and I was considered a special case. But I thought it would be best for me to stay in Korea until the COVID-19 pandemic settles down. I also think it would be advantageous to study here at SUNY Korea FIT for 2 years since it offers the same education as the FIT New York Campus. After I finish my Associate Degree here in Korea, I plan to spend 2 years at FIT NY to complete my Bachelor’s there. Although I do want to experience working in the fashion industry in America, I ultimately want to launch my own brand in Korea, so I don’t want to lose my Korean identity,” Yewon explained.

Hoping for a college life free from COVID-19

Yewon started her college life this September 2021 as a freshman at FIT. Already loaded with assignments, FIT has kept her busy since the school puts much focus on practical education. “Students at FIT are as diverse as the students I met in my secondary international school. Students are graduates from foreign high schools in Seoul, some are from the US, Canada, and Philippines. Some transfer students were even from other worldly recognized fashion schools such as the Parsons School of Design. I joined The Merchandising Society Club and I hope to enjoy my college experience once the pandemic is gone,” Yewon hopes. She also looks forward to the day when she could return to her pre-COVID-19 daily life. By the time she studies at the FIT New York Campus in two years, she dreams of living a busy life to keep up with the trends in the fashion industry while actively participating in various activities.




Read the full article: https://naeiledu.co.kr/29862