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Tenure-Track and Tenured Faculty Positions in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Writer Academic Affairs Date Created 2024.03.28 Hits552

Tenure-Track and Tenured Faculty Positions
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at SUNY Korea

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at SUNY Korea invites applications for multiple tenure-track and tenured faculty positions in all core areas of electrical and computer engineering, including but not limited to the areas of signal processing and communications, machine learning, computer architecture and systems, and VLSI. Applicants must have earned a Ph.D. degree from a US institution in electrical and computer engineering or a closely related field with a strong commitment to undergraduate and graduate education. Fluency in English is essential.                                                                                                                                                                
SUNY Korea is committed to delivering high-quality undergraduate and graduate programs in electrical and computer engineering while providing a full American university experience in Korea. The degrees at SUNY Korea Electrical and Computer Engineering are granted by the Stony Brook University (SBU) of SUNY. For further information please visit sunykorea.ac.kr.                                                                        
The positions are targeted at the Assistant and Associate Professor levels. We seek candidates with the potential to develop significant and internationally recognized research programs, and to actively contribute to the core teaching missions of the department. The successful candidate will serve the university and the community with leadership and dedication. All applications should be submitted electronically in PDF format. Review of applications will continue until the positions are filled.



Submission instructions

The following required application materials must be submitted electronically to sangjin.hong@sunykorea.ac.kr in a single PDF file containing the following:

• Cover Letter
• Curriculum Vitae
• Research Statement and Teaching Statement
• Publication List
• Copy of Academic Transcripts and Degree Certificates from all colleges and universities attended
• Names, Titles, and Contact information of at least three references.
*Note that the original university transcripts will be requested at the time of appointment.

For further information, please contact:

Professor Sangjin Hong, Ph.D.
Chairperson Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
SUNY Korea
119-2 Songdo Moonhwa-Ro, Yeonsu-Gu Incheon, South Korea 21985
E-mail: sangjin.hong@sunykorea.ac.kr