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Finance & Accounting Team Intern

Writer Administrator Date Created 2020.12.10 Hits838

 Job Opening




Number of Employees


Job Description


Finance & Accounting Team




1. Responsible for “corporate card management”

 - Review payment report

 - Managing corporate card

 - Daily check the payment


2. Financial Closing

 - Support monthly, quarterly, and yearly closing

 - Booking


3. Support for Account Payables of University fund - Wire Transfer

 - Weekly Wire Transfer -  through Groupware 

 - Check the classification, the ratio of programs etc.



 Interview Process


Application Review   ->   Job Interview





   1) Contract period: 6 months


  2) Salary based SUNY Korea salary regulation (Four basic insurance, meal expense included)




 Application Method & Schedule


    - We will accept job applications until the position is filled. 

- Submit resume (in English and Korean), cover letter(국문 자소서) to recruit@sunykorea.ac.kr


 *Individual email will be sent out to those who pass the application review step.






   1) Submitted documents and other information will not be returned.


   2) Disqualification may occur as a result of the followings:


     - Falsity / Crucial mistakes on documentation


   - Deadline miss


   - Out of contact


   - Late arrival


   3) The University may not hire new employees, if there are no strong candidates.




 Contact for Inquiries


    Human Resources & Operations Team, recruit@sunykorea.ac.kr