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Multiple Open Positions in the Department of Mechanical Engineering

Writer Administrator Date Created 2019.11.26 Hits891

Multiple Open Positions in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, State University of New York (SUNY)- Korea




The Department of Mechanical Engineering at SUNY-Korea invites applications for multiple tenure-track faculty positions in all core areas of Mechanical Engineering, including but not limited to the areas of Design and Manufacturing, Dynamics, Mechatronics, Robotics and Thermal Sciences. Successful candidates must have earned doctorates in Mechanical Engineering or a closely-related field, a strong commitment to undergraduate and graduate education, and the ability to establish and sustain externally funded research programs. Fluency in English as well as some experience within higher education in the USA, such as teaching, research or studies in an American institution of higher    education are essential.



SUNY Korea is located in Incheon Free Economic Zone (IFEZ) in Songdo, South Korea, about 1 hour from Seoul and about 30 minutes by car from the Incheon International Airport. SUNY Korea is committed to delivering high-quality BE, MS and PhD programs in Mechanical Engineering while providing the full American university experience in        Korea. The degrees at SUNY Korea Mechanical Engineering are granted from Stony Brook University (SBU) of SUNY. For further information please visit www.sunykorea.ac.kr.





Current positions are targeted at the Assistant or Associate Professorship levels. We seek candidates with the potential to develop significant and internationally recognized research programs, actively contribute to the core graduate and undergraduate teaching missions of the department and who will serve the university and the community. All    applications should be submitted electronically in PDF format. Review of applications begins on December 1, 2019   and will continue until the positions are filled.




Submission instructions The following required application materials must be submitted electronically to           mesearch@sunykorea.ac.kr in a single PDF file




•Cover Letter

•Curriculum Vitae

•Research Statement

•Teaching Statement

•Publications List

•Copies of three recent publications

•Names, Titles and Contact information of at least four references.



For further information, please contact.





Hamid Hefazi, Ph.D.


Department of Mechanical Engineering

SUNY Korea

119-2 Songdo Moonhwa-Ro,


Incheon, South Korea 21985

E-mail: hamid.hefazi@sunykorea.ac.kr