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Open Position Announcement at Department of Technology and Society SUNY Korea

Writer Administrator Date Created 2019.05.15 Hits845

Open Position Announcement at Department of Technology and Society SUNY Korea

The Department of Technology and Society (DTS) is a transdisciplinary department of Stony Brook University and the SUNY Korea department is an extension of the Stony Brook University program, offering the same curriculum and degrees  Research and teaching is focused on 4 Smarts: Smart Communities, Smart Development, Smart Education, and Smart Ethics.  The department combines engineering with the humanities and liberal arts and faces the societal and environmental challenges of advanced and emerging countries.  The DTS at SUNY Korea pursues smart development in depth with a major focus on information and communications technology (ICT) for sustainable development.



We welcome applications for both tenure track and non-tenure track positions by individuals with demonstrated teaching and research interests in the field of science and technology studies (STS), communication research, economics and other social science disciplines. Individuals who are open to research and teaching collaboration with other departments and disciplines (such as computer science and mechanical engineering) are welcome to apply. Those with research and teaching interests in the following areas are encouraged to apply.


- Smart communities and smart development including ICT for development

- Technology management, including economics, and entrepreneurship

- Engineering management including system engineering for information systems and next generation networks

- Ethics of engineered systems and design, including robotics, big data and autonomous systems

- Holistic engineering education and educational technology

- Design thinking and game design






***For tenure-track and other professorial appointments, the Ph.D. is required.


Applicants should submit the following:

 • A cover letter outlining research and teaching interests.

 • A curriculum vitae.

 • A published article, paper or other example of their written work.

 • Short descriptions of courses that they have taught.

 • Candidates applying at the assistant professor level should arrange for three letters of reference to be submitted separately




Applications should be submitted to minji.kang@sunykorea.ac.kr.



Candidates will be interviewed by a faculty search committee, either in person or by video conference, prior to any hiring decisions.