SUNY Korea-FIT Adjunct Faculty Positions for Italian Language Instruct…
Writer AdministratorDate Created 2018.11.23Hits896
SUNY Korea-FIT Adjunct Faculty Positions for Italian Language Instructor
Thank you for considering SUNY Korea – FIT in your search.
About Fashion Institute of Technology:
The Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT), an internationally renowned college of art and design, business and technology, of the State University of New York, invites nominations and applications for adjunct faculty positions at the FIT at SUNY Korea in Songdo, Korea. The Fashion Institute of Technology, a part of the State University of New York, has been a leader in career education in art, design, business, and technology for nearly 70 years. With a curriculum that provides a singular blend of hands-on, practical experience, classroom study, and a firm grounding in the liberal arts, FIT offers a wide range of outstanding programs that are relevant to today’s rapidly changing industries. Internationally renowned, the college offers two majors, and grants AAS degrees in Korea in Fashion Business Management and Fashion Design, preparing students for professional success and leadership in the global marketplace.
Job Description:
We are looking for a candidate for an Italian language instructor who can prepare students to become reflective, critical, and engaged citizens of the world. An ideal candidate should be a language scholar with a specialty in Italian culture.
Teaching Course:
Candidates should be able to teach the following courses:
1) IT-111 Elementary Italian
- Candidates must have at least a Master’s Degree. (A Ph.D. or other terminal degree is preferred.)
- Candidates must have teaching experience in foundation Italian at the college level for a minimum of 1 year.
- Candidates should possess a working knowledge of English, Italian and the Korean languages.
- Candidates should be able to identify and convey cultural and language nuances.
Preference will be given to candidates who possess several or all the above listed qualifications.
Application Instructions:
This teaching appointment at SUNY Korea will begin in Spring 2019. Review of applications will commence in December, 2018 and decisions will be made in January, 2019. The salary and appointment rank will be based on education level and cumulative experience.
Please note a background check is required for appointment to this position. Applications are due by December 7, 2018 (midnight) and must be submitted to
Please provide:
- Letter of interest, in English, clearly indicating qualifications for the position
- Curriculum Vitae/Resume in English
- A minimum of two professional references, including names, titles, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail contact information
- Teaching Statement including teaching experience and course syllabi.
- Copy or scan of academic transcript and degree certificate in English from all colleges and universities attended.
Please note: due to the volume of applications, we will not be able to contact each applicant individually. Additional information about the Fashion Institute of Technology can be found at:
SUNY Korea-FIT 교양이탈리아어겸임교수채용
FIT (The Fashion Institute of Technology)는뉴욕주립대학산하에있는예술, 디자인, 기술, 및경영분야를다루는세계적인대학입니다. 대한민국송도에위치한한국뉴욕주립대학교에 FIT과정이설립됨에따라겸임교수직에추천또는지원을받고있습니다. 뉴욕주립대학소속의 FIT는, 70여년가까이미술, 디자인, 경영및기술분야교육을이끌어왔습니다. 직접경험할수있는실용적인교육, 교실내강의및기초가확실한교양교육들로이루어진커리큘럼을통하여, FIT는급변하는오늘날의산업에적합한프로그램들을제공하고있습니다. 세계적인명성의 FIT는글로벌시장에서전문성과리더십을갖춘학생을양성하기위하여한국에서패션경영학과및패션디자인학과의준학사과정을제공하고있습니다.