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[SBU] Re-matriculation Form

Writer Academic Affairs Date Updated 2023.03.22 Hits1473

[Military Leave Exception- Effective from Fall 2023 Rematriculation]

Students rematriculating immediately following mandatory military service, may request an exception to follow requirements in effect at the time of their leave. For students requesting their prior matriculation degree requirement term, please include "Certificate of Military Service*" when you submit the rematriculation form.  

*How to get the Certificate of Military Service document?
1) 복무확인서 (Certificate of Military Service) - Only available with the military PC

     - 국방인사정보체계 -> 증명서 신청 -> 신규작성 -> 증명서 종류 -> 복무확인서 (Eng. version) -> Request to add 'Date of Discharge' in the reason
       for application section

2) 병적증명서 (Certificate of Military Service)
    - Can request through the link here:
     - Will take about 1-2 months after the official discharge. 

3) Certificate of Career - Only available for KATUSA
     - 국방인사정보체계 -> 증명서 신청 -> 신규작성 -> 증명서 종류 -> Certificate of Career
     - The official expected discharge date will be printed on the document.